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10mm WW2 by Pendraken click for Home page

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Lot 10G : Pendraken 10mm WW2 German

Lot 10S : Pendraken 10mm WW2 Soviet

Lot 10B : Pendraken 10mm WW2 British

The following 3 lots are listed using the codes from the older website to avoid any confusion over items that have been replaced or remodelled. I'm not familiar with which ones have been remodelled so can't answer queries of that nature. If it helps, most of the tanks have cast on tracks; I noticed that some current ones have separate tracks. Most of the packs are in their original packaging and are all in good condition, probably most have never been opened.

I'm happy to accept orders for individual packs but the best discount will be buying a whole lot. Please list your wants by how many packs of each code.

Buy all three lots for £370 £315 £280

Lot 10G : Pendraken 10mm WW2 German

110 packs : Tanks, Artillery, Transport, Infantry and support weapons

A bargain at less than half price.

Buy the whole Lot for £200 £170 £150
Packs Code Description  per pack 
13 GR1 Riflemen (10)  £       1.40
2 GR2 MP40 (10)  £       1.40
2 GR3 MG34 team (3)   £       1.40
2 GR4 MG42 team (3)  £       1.40
2 GR5 Pz Shreck team (3)  £       1.40
2 GR6 Pz Faust   £       1.40
3 GR7 Officers  £       1.40
8 GR12 Opel Blitz truck  £       2.00
3 GR15 8cm GWR34 mortar with crew  £       1.40
1 GR30 Stug III Ausf G  £       2.00
2 GR32 Pz IVg  £       2.00
4 GR33 Pz IVh with armoured skirts  £       2.00
2 GR34 Pz IIIm with armoured skirts  £       2.00
3 GR38 PAK 40 with crew (2)  £       2.00
3 GR40 FLE 105 field gun with crew  £       2.00
1 GR43 8.8cm FLAK 36-AT/AA w/ crew  £       2.00
1 GR51 Hummel munitions carrier  £       2.00
1 GR54 Opel Blitz truck (sides down), 20mm quad AA  £       2.00
1 GR58 Sdkfz 10/4 20mm AA halftrack  £       2.00
5 GR64 Artillery spotters (5)  £       1.40
1 GR69 Nebelwerfer 150mm with crew (2)  £       2.00
1 GR71 Sdkfz 252/16 Flammpanzerwagon  £       2.00
3 GR73 Combat engineers  £       1.40
3 GR75 75mm IG with crew  £       2.00
3 GR76 120mm mortar with crew  £       1.40
1 GR84 Tiger I  £       2.60
3 GR96 PAK 38 50mm AT gun with crew  £       2.00
3 GR99 150mm IG with crew (2)  £       2.00
1 GR103 Tiger 2 (Henshal turret)  £       2.60
5 GR114 Dead markers   £       1.40
2 GR117 50mm mortar with crew (3)   £       1.40
1 GR121 Wespe  £       2.00
2 GR125 Marder II  £       2.00
1 GR126 Pz I command tank  £       2.00
1 GR133 PAK 43/41 ‘barn door 88’ (1)  £       2.00
4 GR164 Late war tunic, panzerfaust, SMG  £       1.40
4 GR165 Late war tunic, firing, SMG  £       1.40
1 GR169 Sniper  £       1.40
5 GR168 Command group  £       1.40
4 GR177 Mid war panzer grenadier  £       1.40


Lot 10S : Pendraken 10mm WW2 Soviet

Buy the whole Lot for £115 £100 £90
Packs Code Description  per pack 
1 SV7 Officers  £       1.40
6 SV9 T34/85  £       2.00
3 SV10 SU-85  £       2.00
3 SV11 SU-100  £       2.00
3 SV12 SU-122  £       2.00
3 SV13  SU-76  £       2.00
6 SV16 T70b  £       2.00
3 SV19 Naval riflemen  £       1.40
5 SV39 JS2  £       2.30
4 SV40 BT7 conical turret  £       2.00
4 SV41 T34/76d late war, hexagonal turret  £       2.00
4 SV43 SU152  £       2.30
2 SV45 OT34 flamethrower tank  £       2.00
1 SV46 TT34 Engineer tank  £       2.00
1 SV47 PT-34 mine roller  £       2.00
1 SV48 120mm mortar with crew (3)  £       1.40
1 SV49 Tachanka (1)  £       2.00
1 SV53 BA64 armoured car (2)  £       2.00
2 SV54 Cavalry with SMG (5)  £       1.40


Lot 10B : Pendraken 10mm WW2 British

Buy the whole Lot for £70 £60 £50

Packs Code Description  per pack 
1 BR25 6pdr A/T with airborne crew (2)  £       2.00
4 BR30 Sherman V (M4A4) 75mm gun  £       2.00
2 BR33 Sherman Vc (M4A4) ‘Firefly’ 17pdr  £       2.00
4 BR35 Sherman IIIa (M4A2) 76mm gun  £       2.00
3 BR36 Sherman IIIb (M4A2) 105mm gun  £       2.00
2 BR37 M7 SPG ‘Priest’ 105mm gun  £       2.00
2 BR38 M10 ‘Achilles’ 17pdr gun  £       2.00
2 BR50 M36 ‘Jackson’ 90mm gun  £       2.00
2 BR60 Daimler A/C  £       2.00
4 BR62 Cromwell 75mm gun  £       2.00
2 BR64 M5 Stuart (1)  £       2.00
6 BR107 Commandos, mixed weapons   £       1.40